Wolfman/PVC Figure(90s/Portugal) MT-218
Frankenstein/PVC Figure(90s/Portugal) MT-217
Dracula/PVC Figure(90s/Comics Spain) MT-216
Glow-in-the-Dark Monsters/Meal Toy(90s/White Castle) MT-212
Universal Monsters/Motion-ettes(Creature/with box) MT-211
Universal Monsters/Figure set(90s/Hamilton Gifts) MT-108
Glow-in-the-Dark Monsters/Meal Toy(90s) MT-192
Glow-in-the-Dark Monsters/Meal Toy(90s) MT-191
Frankenstein/PVC Figure(90s/Comics Spain) MT-141
Universal Monsters/22" Motion-ettes(Frankenstein) MT-118
Blushing Frankenstein(1960s/with box) MT-115
G.I. Joe/Capture of the Pygmy Gorilla(70s) GI-012
King Kong/Drink Holder(1986) MT-190
Vampirella/Plastic Model Kit(1971/Aurora) MT-167
Universal Monsters/Headknocker(Mummy/00s) MT-156
Universal Monsters/Plastic Figure(Mummy/90s) MT-155
Universal Monsters/Plastic Figure(Wolfman/90s) MT-154
Universal Monsters/Action Figure(The Bride of Frankenstein/MOC) MT-153
Universal Monsters/Action Figure(The Wolfman/MOC) MT-152
Universal Monsters/Action Figure(The Mummy/MOC) MT-151
Ape Soldier/PVC Figure(90s/Yolanda) MT-147
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde/PVC Figure(90s/Yolanda) MT-146
Jack the Ripper/PVC Figure(90s/Yolanda) MT-145
Creepy Kids/PVC Figure(B. Were Wolf/MOC) MT-143
Creepy Kids/PVC Figure(Witch S. Brew/MOC) MT-142
Dark Shadows/Board Game(60s) MT-016
King Kong/Lunch Box(70s) MT-134
CHUPAcabras/Battery Operated Toy(90s) MT-133
Herman Munster/Tanking Puppet(60s) MT-112
Creature from the Black Lagoon/Plastic Model Kit(90s/Monogram/MIB) MT-130
The Wolfman/Plastic Model Kit(80s/Monogram/MIB) MT-023
Frankenstein Monster/Plastic Model Kit(1975/Aurora) MT-021
The Mummy/Plastic Model Kit(70s/Aurora) MT-020
Dr. Jekyll as Mr. Hyde/Plastic Model Kit(70s/Aurora) MT-019
The Phantom of the Opera/Model Kit(Box only) MT-018
The Mummy/Shaking Head Monsters(90s/with box) MT-129
Creature from the Black Lagoon/Plush(90s) MT-128
Universal Monsters/Big Size Plush set(90s) MT-110
Monster Force/Action Figure(Tripp Hansen/Loose) MT-127
Monster Force/Action Figure(Lance McGruder/MOC) MT-125
Monster Force/Action Figure(Dracula/MOC) MT-124
Count Dracula/Hand Puppet(80s/Remco/MOC) MT-123
The Wolfman/9" Figure(80s/Remco) MT-121
Monster Spitballs/Dracula & Frankenstein(80s/MOC) MT-106
Big Frankie/Vinyl Figure(00s) MT-093
Creature from the Black Lagoon/Aquarium Figure(70s) MT-029
Glow-in the Dark Movie Monsters/Figure set(MOC) MT-028
Universal Monsters/Meal Toy set(90s/Burger King) MT-027
Dracula/Plastic Model Kit(80s/Monogram/MIB) MT-024
Frankenstein/SOAKY Bottle(60s) MT-014
Frankenstein/Gumball Charm MT-013
King Kong/Gumball Charm MT-012
Groovie Goolies/PVC Figure(70s/Hauntleroy) MT-009
Groovie Goolies/PVC Figure(70s/Hagatha) MT-008
Groovie Goolies/PVC Figure(70s/Bella Love-Ghostly) MT-007
Dracula/Plastic Figure(60s/MPC) MT-006
Witch/Plastic Figure(60s/MPC) MT-005
Mummy/Plastic Figure(60s/MPC) MT-004
Frankenstein/Plastic Figure(60s/MPC) MT-003
Frankenstein/Plastic Figure(80s/MPC) MT-002